Mobile SEO Part Two – Devices & Mobile Use
Mobile SEO, as we touched upon last time in our last blog post What Does Your Website Look Like On A Mobile?, is growing rapidly – with some very interesting developments and statistics in regard to the amount of mobile devices in use, and projected use expected to exceed 1 billion in 2015 according to these stats. What it all means is that the different devices are blowing up in terms of use, and this has yielded some interesting modes of use when it comes to the mobile web. Check out part two of our series on Mobile SEO to learn more – this one is dedicated to Devices & Mobile Use. The amount of devices out there can be confusing at times, and there is a significant amount of them by now, so we will endeavour to illuminate you on the various types. We will also look at the various usage habits and patterns when it comes to mobile search, social networking on mobiles – as well as what new devices you should look out for. Stick around and you might learn something by viewing our presentation below:
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