The Situation

A global pharmacy-led, health and wellbeing company wanted to increase brand visibility, site traffic, leads and revenue across their 23 international brands. This was to be achieved by developing a global digital strategy across EMEA, APAC and North America, to ensure brand consistency and growth across regional divisions.

Woman in a pharmacy

+1,000% YoY uplift in global online revenue

Wallgreens Boots Aliance Screenshot

The Solution

  • Audience market research to develop B2B and B2C digital strategies across a recommended media mix of SEO and PPC, tailored to each target region.
  • Website migration and technical consultancy to ensure each of the 23 websites were indexed regionally and able to be found in organic search results.
  • Brand consultancy, messaging development and content strategy to ensure each brand clearly explained the services they offered, provided user-centric onsite navigation and answered prospective customer FAQs, to increase their organic brand and non-brand visibility for relevant search terms in search engines and propensity to convert.
  • Regional PPC search advertising launched in dedicated markets, focusing on primary (most lucrative and in-demand) services each brand offered, working with Walgreen’s in-house regional teams to tailor ad copy and keywords to their native tongue to increase relevancy and distinguish their ads from competitor global providers ads.

The feedback from the brand teams has been fantastic. Especially considering the tight deadlines we had to work with.

- Jennifer Montanez, International Digital Marketing Manager at Walgreens Boots Alliance

The Results

  • Various number 1 and page 1 organic rankings for both branded and non-branded, relevant keywords such as ‘clinical trial services’, ‘healthcare r&d solutions’ and ‘3pl pharma logistics’ to name a few.
  • Brand search interest grew 52% worldwide YoY.
  • Over a 1,000% YoY uplift in incremental global site traffic and online revenue, acquired across their 23 international sites.