I Really Really Really Want to Read a Good Blog
Many weird and wonderful things came from the 90s: Spice Girls, Tamagotchis, Kate Moss, Furbies, Leonardo Dicaprio and Recess are just some of... Continue reading...
All the latest digital marketing strategy, SEO, PPC, social media and website insights and trends
Many weird and wonderful things came from the 90s: Spice Girls, Tamagotchis, Kate Moss, Furbies, Leonardo Dicaprio and Recess are just some of... Continue reading...
Google updates are like buses, you wait ages and then several come at once. It certainly feels that way at the moment! Whether it is an... Continue reading...
When was the last time you arranged a holiday at your local travel agent? ‘Probably a very long time ago’. My next question is why? The... Continue reading...
Coming up with fabulous blog posts full of engaging content is not easy. So in a world where us marketers want to do our best but don’t have... Continue reading...
Hundreds of thousands of infographics are uploaded online every day, which is why getting your infographic relevant and useful to your potential... Continue reading...
Image courtsey of Shawn Campbell Twitter advertising is a relatively new and un-experimented platform to many UK businesses, partly... Continue reading...
Digital marketing agency ThoughtShift recently designed and built a new website for in-demand fashion hair stylist Yesmin O’Brien. Yesmin... Continue reading...
So, the face of digital marketing has been changing rapidly over the last few years. It seems every time I read one of the Digital Marketing... Continue reading...
There are many opportunities available for travel website owners to use rich snippets or schema mark-up on their site. In fact the travel sector... Continue reading...
Digital marketing agency and eCommerce SEO specialists ThoughtShift, recently added eCommerce luxury accessories and gift brand Black to their... Continue reading...
To some of you I may be stating the obvious, but to others I may sound like a heretic. The role of a website manager is undoubtedly a... Continue reading...
The infographic is an innovative way to cover a range of different subjects and topics. Infographics provide a talking point, draw comparisons,... Continue reading...